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Child Support

Established Child Support Lawyer Resolves Conflicts in New York

Skilled Frankfort attorney dedicated to your children’s well-being

Parents must consider not only how divorce affects them, but also how it affects their children — both emotionally and financially. Law Office of Malorie A. Carbone LLC is experienced in all family law matters. I help you obtain a fair and reasonable child support arrangement that allows you to raise your child in a safe and healthy environment. Drawing on numerous years of experience, I help parents:

  • Understand child support guidelines
  • Negotiate child support through mediation
  • Litigate child support issues
  • Enforce child support orders
  • Modify child support orders

In some cases, litigation is necessary for your child to receive fair financial support from both parents. I methodically prepare for litigation to achieve the most equitable support arrangement for your child.

Working within and beyond New York child support guidelines

New York law establishes general child support guidelines. I help you understand the basis of these guidelines and how they apply to you. I am committed to achieving the best possible financial solutions within the guidelines. That begins with using the discovery process to compel a full, truthful financial disclosure, so the court can calculate basic child support with accurate data. Affluent couples must often deal with issues beyond basic child support, such as payments for private school tuition, sports and enrichment activities. I help you obtain support payments that best accommodate your financial circumstances and most appropriately provide for your child’s needs.

Through the structured process of mediation, couples can put aside their differences and focus on the one objective where they tend to agree — their children’s well-being. Mediation presents a forum for creating fair child support plans that allow both parents to share in the financial obligations of raising their children. I can guide the process toward equitable solutions.

Enforcement and modification of child support

If your spouse has fallen behind on child support payments, you may need assistance to collect the money that rightfully belongs to your child. I guide you through the process of enforcing your child support order.

Of course, financial problems or the changing needs of your children may alter your circumstances. Still, you must continue to pay child support at the current level until the court modifies your order. I help you petition expeditiously for a modification to avoid undue hardship.

Contact an experienced New York family law attorney.

Call Law Office of Malorie A. Carbone LLC at 315-733-7549 or contact me online to schedule a consultation with a family law attorney in Frankfort, New York.

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Our Office

Frankfort Office
189 Taft Avenue
Frankfort, New York 13340
Phone: 315-733-7549
Fax: 315-733-4471
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM